A) Modern - Alternative (Solar) Energy Source
i) Solar Panels
Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight by Thom Hartmann is a book worth reading
http://www.ecosustainable.com.au/ (Swami's Eco Sustainable Living Centre Project)
ii) Ancient Atlantean Technology - using forgotten (ruby) crystal generated power to harness the power of the Sun
To be revealed by a Sai devotee in the near future..?!
B) Ancient Vedic (Solar) Practices (Shamanistic Tantra - Sun & Moon worship and the 5 elements)
i) Hatha Yoga = Surya Namaskar (Sun Worship through a 12 step physical exercise prostration to the Sun; usually performed thrice a day - between 4-8 am dawn, 12 noon & between 4-8 pm dusk. Has become popularised in the west for its health benefits.
ii) The Aditya Hridayam = Ancient rejuvenating mantra that increases solar vitality; making a person strong and aura invincible. It was used by Rama in the Ramayana to defeat Ravana and other enemies of Dharma.
iii) The Hiranyagarbam Lingam (gold) Worship - the lingam is an ellipsoid shaped egg that is the closest mathematical representation of the Formless Reality in Vedic thought. Gold symbolically is associated with the Sun and its worship also attunes the mind to the Sun.
iv) Gayatri Mantra = "Mother of the Vedas". A Sanskrit Vedic mantric chant that uses the power of sound to attune the mind vibrationally to the powers of the Sun. A modern alternative of Sai devotees is "The Hiranyagarbham Sai Gayatree".
v)The Ram mantra - an ancient bija mantra that is related to the 3rd solar plexus chakra in yogic physiology. Rama was also the 7th Avatar of God in the Vishnu Puranas of Hinduism and was apparently born about 20,000 years ago into the Ayodhya Raghu dynasty (a Vedic Solar dynasty). His story is supposed to exemplify the pefect solar hero qualities and ideal that stands out for mankind. Interestingly, in yogic physiology the 3rd chakra is ruled by Aries (and Scorpio) where the Sun gets its exaltation and maximun amount of vital fire for digestion and robust health.
vi) Jyotish - Vedic Sidereal Astrology with its related remedials - eg. Sun corresponding to Sunday, gold, ruby, safron, certain herbs. Yagna/homa/pujas using related items are also used to propriate the Sun. The Sun is the main source of light (jyotish) in our system and is the determines time. Jyotish is used as a means for self knowledge to find out our true identiy through the outer Sun to the inner Sun of the Soul or Atma where all powers of Consciousness are contained. Along with Biren Katie's work, Phyllis Krystals; work ann others, it becomes a very useful tool for seeing through our patterns and nature to acquire impersonal knowledge.
vii) The Jyotish Dynamic Meditation recommended by Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This involves a dynamic practice of concentration on an flame that brings light into the mind's eye and through visualisation carries this to light the inner sun of the heart and carry this energy around the inner body as well as around their world.
viii)The Sun of "I am". Advaita Vedanta teaches the non-duality of consciousness. As a play of light, the source of this consciousness is one's Being and the feeling of "I amness" or existence. I am (is) the Truth, the Light and the Way! Ancient texts on this philosophy stretch back over 20,000 years (Vaishsta Yoga) to the great teacher Adi Sankacharya. More recently, teachers have included Ramana Maharishi, Nisargadatta Maharaj and currently, Ramesh Balsekar and Echart Tolle.
Interestingly, the devotees of the Avatar use the mantra "Sa-i R-am" which is perhaps the "form" aspect of the formless principle of I am, thus using the form of the guru to rid the ego of its body identity through devotion and arrive at the formless wisdom of "I am" as consciousness and access their inner Sun (Ram) ie. from the gross to subtle essence of the inner sun, ego to Beingness